soil carbon

The art of soil carbon sequestration

The art of soil carbon sequestration

Wouldn’t we all wish to have a pilot license at the age of 87 and be inventing remarkably useful things. Meet the indomitable Allan Yeomans and hear about Lucas’s journey into soil carbon sequestration toolmaking in our latest video.

Humus: its Chemical, Physical and Biological properties that are essential for life

Humus: its Chemical, Physical and Biological properties that are essential for life

Our deepest dive yet into the science of humus with Glenn Morris. The key message remains: the complexity of nature may continue to elude full scientific scrutiny, but we know enough to respect it and support its regeneration.

Yeomans Carbon Still on show in Melbourne!

Yeomans Carbon Still on show in Melbourne!

What if farmers were paid to adopt farming methods that ensured that the carbon that is causing trouble in our atmosphere was sequestered in their soils?  This tantalising possibility is explored in Lucas Ihlein's collaborative project with Allan Yeomans called 'Baking Earth: Soil and the Carbon Economy', which is currently part of an exhibition in Melbourne.