The Grazing Game

The Grazing Game

Imogen Semmler and Judi Earl have cooked up something fabulous: The Grazing Game. How do you maintain a healthy ecosystem in your paddocks, weather drought, withstand market fluctuations and other curve balls, while making a living from keeping livestock? Imogen got Cementa punters to wear their strategy hats last November at the first trial of the Game.

"If the Earth could speak, what would it say?" - Alex's 48 hours in the hole

‘The Hole for The Living Classroom’ has gifted us many puns, and here’s another - it turns out Alex’s existential ambitions go deep, very, very deep. At Groundswell he will conclude his 'hole' project with a performance called ‘Earth Oracle’. He will spend 48 hours within the hole, drinking only water and sleeping under the open sky. The public are invited to pose questions to the earth and on the morning of Saturday 7th September he will respond to these questions from within the hole. He’ll emerge later that day, and will be in conversation with MC Adam Blakester about the project on the main stage. You can read an article about it that was recently published in the Inverell Times.


What would you ask the Earth Oracle?


See below for some hole digging action to get you thinking, courtesy of Justin Hewitson.

Farmers in Flux continued

Imogen has been hanging out with some very intrepid and ambitious folk lately. Here she leads us deeper into her Farmers in Flux project, introducing four farmers who are on very different journeys towards ecological stewardship and regenerative change.